5 Most Popular Trading Tips Blog Posts At Netpicks

One thing that makes our trading tips blog unique is that the content is written by real traders.

At Netpicks, virtually everybody you will deal with trades markets such as Futures, ETFs for long term wealth building, Forex, and even Options.  We know what traders go through, the challenges we all face, and different ways to approach the markets.

With over 20 years in the markets, you know we’ve learned a thing or two and understand the lifestyle and independence trading can offer.

Our main goal is to provide you with the trading systems, trading knowledge, and support to help you get a handle on the trading skills you will need for success.

We do a pretty good job at doing that!

5 Most Popular Blog Posts

On our blog, you have access to hundreds of in-depth trading articles that thousands of traders have found tremendous value in.

Heading over to our analytics, I’ve pulled out 5 of our most popular blog posts about trading.  I hope you take something actionable away from them.

3 Most Useful Day Trading Indicators

With so many trading indicators to choose from, how do you narrow down the ones that give the most bang for their buck?

You check out our post about day trading indicators but before you do, understand that as you develop as a trader you will find value in different things.  This is a great start however so dig into the post and let us know what you think.

The Top 6 Forex Websites You Should Be Reading

I will be honest and say that you really should limit your online reading about trading.  Yes you want to make sure you check out a news site and maybe you are even interested in learning about a specific trading technique.

But using these websites as the basis for how you trade is a huge mistake.

Using them as a way to “pick the brain” of others traders is as bad as using Twitter for that.  Check them out, but take most of what you read with a huge grain of salt.

As you go through our trading articles, take what is useful and discard the rest.  Many people have written into Netpicks and said how certain articles have resonated with them.  And some will.  As I said, we all trade and know how the journey feels.  Experience matters and I hope you learn from ours…both the good and the bad.

Forex Trading – What You Should Know

This is our main page for Forex traders and it is full of information for newbies as well as traders who are struggling.

You will learn everything from the basics of currency pairs all the way to trading systems and Forex trading tools.

This trading article will touch on trading indicators and give you the pitfalls of using them (I will say that I like using channels in trading).  We will even give you our Trading Indicator Blueprint that you can download and dig deeper into common trading indicators and ways that you can use them.

Stop Trading Support And Resistance The Wrong Way

You would be surprised at the number of traders that think you can simply fade these potential turning points in the market.

You certainly can….but don’t expect results that will keep your equity curve on an upwards trend.

Another thing I want to ask:  How great are your support and resistance levels?  Are they better than random?

Find out.  I give you a little exercise to show you that maybe your levels are no better than random.  It’s a long read and you will be able to download a PDF of the entire article to read later.

4 Reasons Why You Should be Trading with Range Bars

You are familiar with time based charts and maybe tick charts…but what about range bars?

The range bar is valued by technicians because unlike a chronology-based signal, a range bar is the actual price parameter a currency has established over an undefined amount of time.

Think of a bar containing a certain price range before plotting another one.  How easy would it be to not only see a trend but also the momentum in the market depending on how fast the bars plot?

Very easy.

Check out the blog post, plot some range bars, and see if there’s an edge in using them.

Use The Fast Or Slow Stochastic Oscillator The Right Way – BONUS TIP

Stochastic is a momentum indicator with oversold and overbought settings.  These are used and abused by so many traders who think oversold automatically means a reversal.


Stop looking for the best setting for the Stochastic indicator (actually for all indicators) and learn how to utilize the information it gives you without relying solely on it for your trading decisions.

One good way to use Stochastic is the divergence method and this trading tips post covers that as well.

Author: CoachShane
Shane his trading journey in 2005, became a Netpicks customer in 2008 needing structure in his trading approach. His focus is on the technical side of trading filtering in a macro overview and credits a handful of traders that have heavily influenced his relaxed approach to trading. Shane started day trading Forex but has since transitioned to a swing/position focus in most markets including commodities and futures. This has allowed less time in front of the computer without an adverse affect on returns.